Connection Groups

Let's face it– while each of us are all traveling toward the same destination, our journey there is very different. That's why here at Impact, we have Connection Groups to help you on your personal journey. 
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age."  Matthew 28: 19-20 NIV

Start Your Journey with Impact

Ignite is an opportunity to learn more about our foundational beliefs and practices at Impact and the methods by which we live into our faith. Come engage with others and learn about our vision, purpose, the keys to salvation, Christian affirmations, the purpose of grace, power of prayer, attitude of generosity and opportunities to serve God.

Ignite meets virtually the first Saturday of each month at 10 am.

Current Connection Groups

“Haven’t you read,’ he replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Matthew 19:4-6

God created marriage and joins the two together in covenant with each other and Him. Join other married couples in conversation regarding the six C's to a healthy marriage - Christ, Communication, Commitment, Compatibility, Care, and Compromise.  Learn how to do more than hold it together but to flourish in love like it states in Song of Solomon 8:6-7.

Meets Sunday : February 16th
This is a weekly online gathering for men seeking to grow in their understanding of the Word. While our Worship Experiences present to us a great teaching, that is not enough to sustain us throughout the week. Pastor Paul challenges us each week to go back and read the full text of the scripture to gain a deeper insight into what the Lord is saying to us. 2 Timothy 2:15 states it this way, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
The men of Impact have taken this to heart and gather together online each Tuesday for a "Sermon Rewind", revisiting the sermon text and sharing how to apply these truths to their daily lives.
Meets Tuesdays : Online
We come together monthly to look to the Word of God to define who we are and discern God's plan for our everyday extraordinary lives in Christ. We have plans for a weekly sermon rewind and our annual brunch is May 10, 2025.

We are currently in our B.O.S.S. Mindset.  
B - Blessed beyond Measure
O - Obedient to God
S - Secure in Who We Are
S - Sister to all Sisters

January 25:     What's in your Harvest?
February 22:   A Harvest of Love?
March 22:       A Harvest of Truth?
April 26:          A Harvest of Promise?
May 10:           I'm a B.O.S.S. Brunch

Meets Saturdays : 4th Saturday of Every Month
This Connection Group, which is specifically for Singles—is a vibrant, supportive community designed to nurture your self-growth, spiritual growth, self-love, and foster meaningful connections to help you to engage the plans that God has for you. We come together to uplift each other, build mature, Spirit-guided relationships and grow in our faith. Our monthly gatherings, held on and off-campus in a welcoming, inclusive and relaxed environment, offer enriching discussions about God, love, faith and relationships in the great company of other singles. Includes events, book studies and dialogues to share and grow together.

Meets Monthly :
February 8, March 2, April 25, May 3, June 4
Impact Events Calendar
SoulCare Calendar
Christmas at Impact
Transformation Wellness Calendar
Connection Groups
Engage Everywhere
Maximum Impact
Health & Wellness
Engage Thursdays

Coming Soon

Check back soon for the Spring 2025 season of Connection Groups, featuring Experiencing God and our churchwide Lenten Study!

Don't See The Group You're Looking For?

If you are ready to engage, build, grow and transform as a participant, facilitator or host, please fill in the your information below to become a part of our Connection Groups.